Meet The Team; Doug

Our garden is perhaps one of our most beautiful and unique features at Housel. It’s thanks to our talented gardener Doug who works in all seasons, whose creativity and dedication makes it so special. Doug grew up in the Lizard, and has a passion for what he does. Get to know more about our gardener Doug.

We sit on the slope of the garden, it’s a sunny day but with a chill in the air as we’re wrapped up in jumpers. We chat whilst Doug continues to pull weeds, as we discuss all things from his love of gardening, his favourite plants, and new gardening projects.

Get to know our gardener Doug

  • Have you always lived in Cornwall?

    “Yes! And moved to the local area of The Lizard when I was 12”

  • Why do you love to garden?

    “It’s the connection with nature, where gardening puts you” - “The grow aspect, (how) you could have the same space but it continually change”

  • What is the biggest challenge you deal with?

    “The weather and wind! and the affect that has on the ground”

  • Whats your favourite thing to grow here?

    “Pig face! The Lizard are few of the places that it grows” - “it seems to grow around the sight and produces the most beautiful of flowers! and it may have come from a bit of seafood…”

  • How do you deal with the elements?

    “It helps being from the area, (meaning) i’m used to the extreme weather.” - “(working around the seasons) you can plan your work throughout the year, leaving certain jobs for certain weathers”

  • What are you working on now?

    “As autumn draws nearer, not too near mind, i’m harvesting and collecting dried flowers/seed heads” - “ I will dry them and then arrange together to be used on the dining tables (in the hotel).”


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