4 Ways to Reflect Effectively.

As we hunker between Christmas and New Year, it’s important to take this time to pause and reflect. Reflecting on the highs and the lows of the past year, so we can clear out our thoughts, set out new intentions, readying ourselves for the start of a brand new year.

Read on to discover 4 ways to reflect effectively..

  • 1. Find a Mindful Environment

During the hustle and bustle of home life, it’s not easy to find a moment of calm. Finding a mindful environment can help us better focus, and clear out our mind more affectivetly. We recommend getting out in nature, finding a quiet spot, as we take the time to reflect.

  • 2. Reflective Questions

Thought-provoking questions are a great starting point to help you begin to structure your thoughts. Such as, “What have I been avoiding this year?” “Have I been achieving my goals?” or “How am I holding myself back?” may lead to some helpful insights, and help you better understand yourself and your needs for 2023.

Don’t be afraid to ask yourself some difficult questions, helping you identify and reflect on your weak points can help you improve in the future. “What are you most proud of?” “What stressed you out the most this year?” “What opportunities did I miss out on?” “What did I start but never finish?” are all great questions to begin your self-reflection of your year.

  • 3. Write it Down

It’s hard to focus and see clarity with so much buzzing around our minds. We suggest jotting it down. It can really help focus our intentions and clear out everything that is swirling around. It’s also great to read back over, whether that be in a week, a month on next year!

  • 4. Set Intentions

After reflecting on the year, the next positive step is to set out your intentions or intended outcomes for 2023. Whether that be a change of mind reset, a new hobby you’ve always wanted to try, or setting more time aside for more mindful activities centred around you.

We recommend to keep reflecting back on your intentions throughout the year. A mindful walk, a journal amongst nature, are healthy, mental benefits to keep on track as we step into 2023.


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