Wild Winter Activities On The Lizard

The crisp, wild winds of winter are here, as we welcome a new season along our shore line. It’s the perfect time of the year to hunker, but us locals know the real secret, that winter is not to be missed...

Ever heard the phrase, “Theres no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes”? Want to surf? swim? see wildlife undisturbed? Winter, we believe, does it best.

Discover our favourite 4 wild winter activities on The Lizard; let’s entice you to see a different side of Cornwall…

  1. Rare Bird Watching.

    Cornwall is a haven for birdwatching. It’s position stretching out into the great Atlantic, surrounded by miles of beautiful coastline, means it is perfect for spotting unusual visitors. The Lizard is already considered by many to be a little different from the rest of Cornwall. Here, the warmer climate, with our remote and unspoilt landscape, makes it one of the top 10 places for birdwatching in the whole county.

    The Lizard also hosts some of the rarest birds, such as the Cornish Chough. But which birds to look out for in the coolest season? In winter look out for Great Northern Divers, Guillemot, Razorbill, Hen Harrier, Peregrine, Merlin and Purple Sandpiper.

  2. Wild Coastal Walking.

    The Lizard is an area of outstanding natural beauty. With its wild, untouched landscape making its coastal walks some of the most magnificent in the country. Getting out into the great outdoors, regardless of the weather, has so many health benefits too, and they’re not all just physical!

    It is evidenced that it slows down mental decline, improves memory and has shown to lower Alzheimer’s risk. It even makes you feel happier, as it releases natural endorphins to the body, one of the emotional benefits of exercise.

    Discover more health benefits to walking here.

  3. Water Sports.

    With the proper gear, surfing in winter is one of the best times to go. Experience the epic waves all to yourself, with the quieter winter waters. We love to head to Poldu cove for a surf. Or head to Housel beach for a body board or swim.

  4. Storm Watching.

    Did you know The Lizard is famously unsheltered, allowing it to have its very own micro climate, this makes our weather particularly wild. From sudden down pours, to clear blue the next, our sky’s are truly something to wonder at. But the storms here really hit like no other, and provide epic scenes of cloud dances, light shows and sound displays. Discover for yourself why storm watching is becoming ever more popular here on The lizard.

We hope some of these winter activities have inspired you to get outdoors, regardless of the weather. The Lizard really is a special place and we want to share this much unseen part of the world with you.

We have some new winter offers available for you too, take a look here, and book your winter escape today.


New Year, New Offering at Fallowfields.


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