5 Benefits of Cold Water Swimming

We generally associate swimming in the sea with hot summer days, where swimming is simply the perfect way to cool off. But did you know plunging into cold water has many health benefits?

Cold water swimming

Heres 5 health benefits to cold water swimming.

  1. Boost Immune System.

    When entering the cold water, you will experience something called ‘cold water shock.’ This shock can kick-start the immune system, helping to produce more white blood cells and antioxidants, which studies show help boost your immune system and reduce various illnesses. 

  2. Better Sleep.

    Cold water stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body rest and repair itself. This promotes a feeling of relaxation and calm, which should then result in a better night’s sleep.   

  3. Reduced Stress.

    Some research shows cold water swimmers have become less stressed. Immersing yourself in cold water naturally puts your body into flight or flight mode. As you repeat this experience, some evidence shows you diminish this stress response. This reduction in stress response then can be applied to other stressful situations in life, not just in cold water. 

  4. A Natural High.

    Cold water swimming activates endorphins, the ‘happiness hormones’. When cold water swimming it brings us close to the pain barrier, so endorphins are released to help our body cope. This triggers a positive feeling in the body. Many cold water swimmings experience the ‘post swim high’ too which leaves them feeling happy all day. 

  5. Mindfulness.

    Many cold water swimmers say that is it a great opportunity to practice mindfulness. When swimming in cold water your nerve endings transmit responses to your brain, telling you how cold parts of your body are. This means you don’t focus on your thinking about your every day thoughts, but are completely focused on the present moment. 


With any new activity it’s important to be properly prepared. We recommend going with a friend and not swimming alone. There are plenty of cold water swimming clubs which you can join too. Open water can be dangerous, only ever swim where it is safe. Wear the proper gear, and bring some supplies, we recommend packing a hot drink, towel and some fresh clothes! 

Let us know your experience with cold water swimming, and your favourite places to swim @houselbay


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